Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Published Something

I did publish something. It's an article in the Jan-Mar 2011 issue of Science Editor called "Setting the Record Straight: Publishing Errata in the Print and Online World" and there's a blurb about it on the CSE blog. I went to the Council of Science Editors meeting last week and met with other science editor types. I always enjoy these meetings because I learn new things and meet nice, like-minded folks. Surprisingly, my technical editing background has been really helpful for fiction writing. I'm a pretty good editor because I have a lot of practice at it, and these editing skills help me when I write. Being around words so much, no matter the capacity, makes a person comfortable with them. It's also nice that I get to work with people every day who like words and all kinds of books (not just medical dictionaries and style manuals). An appreciation for the written word is a beautiful thing.

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